Sunday, August 16, 2009

Star Struck?! (Part II)

Daily Tip: Celebrities and Your Event (Part II)

Hey Publicity Seekers!!

To continue our conversation on celebrities and your event...
You've made a pitch, and your celebrity guest has agreed to attend your event.

The next steps would be to:

5.) Select one handler for your celebrity guest. This individual will work as the liaison between the celebrity's assistant/agent, and your organization. This lessens the possibility of confusion.

6.) Remember, just because the appearance is free, does not mean your organization will not incur any cost. So, have a budget ready for transportation, hotel (if necessary), and any other support the person may want. Check with the assistant/publicist for a list of wants, needs and preferences.

7.) Work with the agent to compose a media list. The list should include reporters and media venues that have covered the subject matter, as well as the celebrity.

8.) Cross promote the event on your web site, blog, news release, newsletter, radio stations.

9.) Be sure to get written permission to use pictures, interviews, etc for continued promotion. Distribute a fact sheet to the media with a pre interview Q&A, or some bit of info that is not well known about the celebrity.

10.) Use live-feed video such as SKIPE to show the event on your Web site; post it on YouTube for future reference…Also, invitations to the online event can be sent to your supporters via email.

Any events coming up? Let us know how it goes!
Your VP Guru!!

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